
Does Calf Raises Increase Your Vertical Jump

Here at Rebounderz Lansdale, jumping is our passion. Whether it's leaping across our Ninja Warrior Course, bouncing around in the trampoline park, or striking a sick slam dunk, like Joel Embiid, on the SlamBall court, jumping is what we do. Maybe y'all're unhappy with how high you tin jump or you just want to get even better to impress your friends. With that in mind, we have 4 fun ways you can increase your vertical bound to help you get some top. In one case you lot're ready to show off your mad ups, come on over to Rebounderz and become jumping!

-Trigger Points

To get the well-nigh out of your leg muscles, information technology's important that you take care of your trigger points (also known as musculus knots). Throughout your body are diverse trigger points that restrict the length of your muscle tissue, which reduces their potential energy and makes them weaker. To become rid of musculus knots, utilize a foam roller as a way to relieve them. When you employ information technology, move slowly and focus on whatever tender spots until the knot releases. Spend 30 seconds on your calf, IT band, and quadriceps before repeating the process on the other leg. This volition make your muscles more than flexible, assuasive for more freedom of movement.

-Bulgarian Split Squats

To build strength in your legs, endeavour Bulgarian split squats. Stand up a few steps abroad from a bench and put one foot behind you onto the demote (with the top of the foot touching the bench.) With a dumbbell in each hand, stand directly with your breast up. Lower yourself downward until your back knee almost touches the floor. With the heel of your foot that is on the flooring, push button yourself back upward to a standing position to complete the rep. Three sets of eight reps per leg volition help y'all greatly when you are trying to improve your leg strength.

-Depth Jumps

To do a depth jump, pace off a box, then immediately spring up after touching the ground. This improves reaction fourth dimension and teaches your lower body muscles to actuate quickly for an explosive spring. Beginning off slow, with a box that is six to eight inches off the ground. Step off, jump as high equally y'all can every bit soon as you hit the ground, with your arms outstretched overhead. Once you have safely landed, repeat the process. For your kickoff calendar week, do three sets of 3 reps, moving to four sets of iii reps for week two, and 5 sets of three for the third week.

-Jumping Rope

The schoolyard favorite shouldn't be relegated to the playground. Jumping rope is a simple still effective way to improve your explosive ability. Non merely that, it's a fantastic cardio workout, so information technology's very helpful for your overall fitness. To run across the all-time results, jump rope for 30 minutes, iv to five days a week.

-Calf Raises

When Shaquille O'Neal played at Louisiana State Academy, he would exercise 1,000 calf raises before bed. After he started to practise that, his vertical leap improved by a whopping 12 inches! Of grade, we're not maxim that you have to practice i,000 calf raises. Calculation this exercise to your routine is a peachy way to improve your leaping ability, and with no need for added weight or equipment, you can do this anywhere and anytime.

No affair what you're looking to do with your improved jumping ability, there are many simple and fun ways to exercise it. All of the exercises nosotros have listed hither volition too help your rest, which is a vital part of successful jumping. When you are ready to really get some airtime, come to Rebounderz in Lansdale!

Does Calf Raises Increase Your Vertical Jump,


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